Specifications Shuttle Loom
Reed Space available in Inches :
45, 52, 56, 60, 64, 72.
Effective reed space:
Nominal reed space: less one inch
Hand: left & right
Shuttle size:
1. upto 15 1/2" X 27mm X 37mm
Electopated parts:
The loom is equipped with electropalted tension roller temple bar, easing roller.
Heavy Wearing Parts:
Picking bowls and picking noses, hardended wearing surface.
Speed Capacity:
Between 110 to 160 RPM depending on reed space and quality of the fabric.
Electric Motor:
Loom motor tottaly enclosed, fan cooled type, 1HP and 960 RPM with A 80 V.Belts.
Accessories to be aaranged by customers which are not suplied by us along with loom:
Loom Motor, Starter, V Belt, Shuttles, Prirns, Reeds, Heald Frames, Wire Healds etc
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No. 1076/5, Mahaveer Compound Opposite Shankar Dyeing, Narpoli, Bhiwandi, Alwar-421302, Rajasthan, India
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