Silicon Sealants
Structural & weather silicon sealants are main part of all type of glazing & cladding systems which gives strength and confidence when used in truly scientific way and in proper quality such as: BITE / CONTRACT WIDTH Effective structural sealant dimension that is acceptable between structural seal through which an applied load form a glass lite is transferred to the metal forming system. • Depends upon glass size & wind load. THICKNESS : Minimum structural sealant dimension, acceptable between structurally bounded surfaces. • Depends upon the bite size and the differential thermal movement between a metal framing system and a strictly glazed glass lite.
G.e. Bayer Silicons & Dow Croning, leading manufacturer recommends the following points while using their products:• Silicon sealant is one of the most CRITICAL COMPONENTS in structural glazing. • Proper amount of silicon SHOULD be used. • Laboratory testing of substrates is a MUST for every project. • Proper application of silicon is CRITICAL.
• Quality control checks are MUST. • No method is available to adequately predict the durability of SSG system. • Use proven material & techniques of good quality to achieve durable and fool proof structural glazing systems.
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101, Sameer Apartment, Sr. No. 123/3, Baner Pune - 411045, Maharashtra, India
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