The conventional treatment of R.O. rejects is to process it through Multi Effect Thermal Evaporation process. MEE’s are energy intensive where operating costs are very high and also capital intensive. Apart from this it is a challenge for MEE’s to perform satisfactorily in many environments. Electrochemical treatment utilizes various process based on electrolysis, recover more water and reduce load on MEE’s.Most of the ZLD systems like Textile, Tanneries, Paper etc. are potential prospects to use this process either to reduce load on MEE’s or to eliminate them.
1. Reduces load on thermal evaporation.
2. Reduces operation and capital cost.
3. Enhanced water recovery and helps in water conservation.
4. Has potency to remove silica, hardness, colour, organics, toxic components and heavy metals.
5.Modular in construction and can be built to any capacity and for any application.