RO Pressure tube UKL
Internal diameter is mirror finished for easy,quick loading & unloading of membranesï‚« Quick lock head retention system for easyaccess to membranesï‚« External surfaces coated with high glosspolyurethane paint for UV resistance andgood aestheticsï‚« Head assembly comprises of a single piecemoulded seal plate, a unique high qualityhead seal and an aluminium alloy bearingplate. The unique design of the head sealprevents it from rolling while insertion andremoval of head assembly thereby enableseasy fitment and removal.ï‚« 8” housings are available from 1 elementlong to 7 element long for all the pressureratings from 300psi to 1200 psi in both endport and multiport configurations.ï‚« For 8" housings multiporting options areavailable with 1.5”, 2”, 2.5”, 3” and 4”diameter IPS grooved feed/ concentrateports for inter connecting the vessels.ï‚« 4” housings are available from 1 element to6 element long for all pressure rating from300 psi to 1200psi in end port andmultiport configurations with 1” port sizefor side entry designs.ï‚« Our side entry models have the uniquedesign feature of flat seating surfaces inthe circular membrane housing. Thisensures excellent sealing of the side portswhich have a threaded metallic sleeve anda nut.