Odour Control Unit
Product Description
Odour Control Unit is designed for installation in Close door Garbage / Trash Rooms for controlling or reducing the odour generated in Trash rooms. This odour is a result of decomposition of garbage in the bins at ambient temperatures. This odour needs to be controlled in these close door rooms.
Odour can be controlled in different ways and in this unit, odourous gases are dissolved and masked by the herbal liquid. To achieve this, Herbal extract liquid is dispersed in the air in very small particle sizes, ranging from 1-10 Microns. These particles get attached to molecules of Odorous gases. This increases the weight of these molecules and they settle down and then biodegrade.
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
Verified 3 Years 42 reviews
Gate No. 6- B, Plot No. 2, Kasurdi Kheba Shivapur Saswad Road, Tal. Bhor, Pune - 411051, Dist. Pune,
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