Milling System
APPLICATION: Certain materials such as lubricating greases & food pastes may require the removal of entrapped air during the process prior to packing. This machine has been developed with an online deaerating system whereby entrapped air is removed after the matenal is passed thru the mill. A specially designed deaerahng chamber with adjustable orifice plates placed in a vacuum chamber accomplishes this online.
CONSTRUCTION Toothed Colloid Md suitable for fine grinding, dispersing and homogenizing in one single operation. The Mill consists of a SS304 assembled housing inside, which are fitted 3 stage. Toothed Rotor and Stator grinding elements. The material is fed through a flanged connection and is forced to shearing, dispersing, mixing & homogenizing action between the rotor and stator. The rate and degree of the above process can be finely controlled during operation by adjusting the gap between the rotor & stator by means of two levers provided. The mill is mounted on a sturdy base frame and can be installed without foundation bolts if desired. All rotating parts are balanced and well lubricated for trouble free operation. The shaft is installed in a leak proof housing complete with bearings, —0— rings and oil seals. The electric motor provided is of 10 HP to 30 HP 3 Ph 50 cydes, 400/440 V. and 3000 RPM.
COOLING ARRANGEMENT: ASS 304 jacket complete with inlet and outlet connections is provided to cool the grinding chamber which subsequently cools the product.
FEED PUMP: Feed Pump Comprising of a 3HP TO 10 HP, 3 Ph, 415 V, 720 RPM electric Motor driving a gear pump 1 1,4 TO 3” complete with —V-g roove pulleys and —V— belts is mounted on a M.S fabricated base frame, flow rate 1000 TO 2000 kgs peribrs @5 kgs pressure. Oty 1 No.
DISCHARGE PUMP: Discharge Pump comprising of a 3HPTO 10 HP, 3 Ph, 415V. 720 RPM electric Motordriving a gear pump 1 WTO 3” complete with —V.- groove pulleys and —V.- belts is mounted on a M.S fabricated base frame, flow rate 1000 to 2000 kgs per/hrs @5 kgs pressure.Qty 1 No. DEAREATOR :The unit consists of a M.S. fabricated deareating chamber inside, which is installed two nos deareating M.S plates with one being fixed
and the other movable so as to vary the areation gap between plates. DeAerator helps to remove air bubbles.
SKID: The entire unit is mounted on a M.S. fabricated skid, which is provided with pads for floor mounting.
INTERCONNECTING PIPELINES: The inlet will compnse of a 40 to 75 mm flanged connection. Balance interconnecting pipeline will be in MS. construction seamless pipes of 40 to 75mm. All flanges will be 40 to 75mm SORF ASA 150 table, AT fitting with flange will be provided at the discharge end of the mill. The vacuum inlet will be of rigid pipe connections. All valves will be ball type valves of 40 to 75 mm. With flanged connection in C.S. construction.
PANNEL: An electric panel box fabricated out of 16 swg MS. Sheets consisting of the following operation
Mill Motor “on” and “off” with ampmeter. Gear Pump “on” and “off” with ampmeter.
Feed pump “on” and “off” with ampmeter. Indicating lamps for all motors.
Disch Pump “on and “oft” with ampmeter. The panel will be powder coated.
FINISH: The entire unit is painted with metal primer and two coats of polyurethane paint
8hwi btd. Eat, Shed No-I BehInd DoJUm P*oI Punp, New Sahel Hote W. E. HIgh Kndra, Ni -401 104 Nalwaihfra. INDIk T* 491. 22 - 2846 I 2846 7239 I 2846 240. Fax No: +91 -22.28457241 I thnnewingwork4yahoo.coei
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A-102,MALVANI AMIRA C.H.S. LTD., MALVANI MHADA,MALAD WEST Shanta Industrial Estate, shed No.1,401104,Mumbai, Near Safari Hotel,B/h Dodhia Petrol Pump, Kashimira, Mumbai-400095, Maharashtra, India
Verified 1 Years 25 reviews
A-102,MALVANI AMIRA C.H.S. LTD., MALVANI MHADA,MALAD WEST Shanta Industrial Estate, shed No.1,401104,Mumbai, Near Safari Hotel,B/h Dodhia Petrol Pump, Kashimira, Mumbai-400095, Maharashtra, India
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