Usage/Application | Linear Axes And Axis Systems Are Used In Many Industrial Areas To Transport Or Position Componed |
Phase | Single Phase |
Voltage | 240V |
Automation Grade | Automatic |
Set Content | 2 Machine |
Material Name | SS |
Initially professional high-accurate GIS data collector in China
Built in GPRS communications module, compatible with CORS system
High accuracy, real time difference positioning accuracy 0.5m, post processing accuracy 0.3m
Apply to high accuracy controlling surveying(static surveying)
WINCE 5.0 operation system, touched color screen
2 out of 5 (4 reviews)
7 TH Axis Linear Slide for RobotVerified 3 Years 9 reviews
Linear Axis Machine Set, Model Name/Number: Refer CatalogueVerified 3 Years 13 reviews
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