Leak Detection
Water requires energy for pumping, chemicals for treating, personnel's for managing all processes, so whenever it flows out of a leaking pipe, the society has more costs to share and less availability of such precious resource. In the Indian scenario due to several constraints even the visible leakages are not repaired timely draining a lot of water away from the system, even with small leakages. The first important action required is to plug visible leakages immediately. Then comes the elaborate leak detection methods to pinpoint hidden losses, which can be inflow-outflow measurement based (often used as pre-leak detection method), acoustical instrument based (pressurized water that is forced out through a leak generates sound waves, which can be sensed and amplified by mechanical devices or electronic transducers and then evaluated to determine the exact location of the leak), or inert gas based (if no noise can be heard, a substance is injected into the main so that the position at which this substance escapes pinpoints the leak). Once the leak detection program is carried out it will be possible to wisely address the repairing interventions starting from larger leaks and aiming at a situation known as "Economic Level of Leakage": as long as intervention costs are lower than water recovery savings, repairs must be carried out. A water supply system operating at its ELL enjoys a decrease in operating costs and a deferment of demand-related schemes, effecting a reduction in the programmed capital investment.
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