FPGA Design
VLSI trainer protoboards or kits are extensively used in prototyping of FPGA based product designs, training and for experimental purposes.
All of them posses features towards programming of FPGAs and just few user input-output facilities. Very few protoboards offer a complete solution for integration of various user modules with ease. With the advancement in the system requirements and specifications, designers are finding difficulty in development of FPGA based designs.
As the FPGA designs accounts the integration of dense memories, analog interface, DSP microprocessors and microcontrollers, many vendors are unable to provide a platform where a designer can integrate all kinds of modules with the FPGA.
With increase in use and demand of FPGAs in the communication, telecom, power electronics, motion control and educational institutes the protoboards are in huge demand, thus ni logic took initiative to provide an excellent prototyping platform for these organizations.
Our R&D arm ni2 designs have come out with the complete solution towards the problems of trainer kits in DSP, VLSI and Microprocessors. ni2 designs have designed prototyping protoboards with the concept of backplane interface of various modules, giving a complete solution for the platform integration of VLSI, DSP, microprocessors and power electronics.
With this product ni logic is aiming to give the industry a product that can be used in various applications, thus solving the problems of designers for high speed designs and platform integration. With this unique idea product, ni logic will stand ahead in market segment of PLD products.
- Easy to use and implement system designs.
- Slot cards for FPGA from Altera, Xilinx and other vendors with package support up to FG256.
- Stacking of multiple FPGAs (can be of different vendors).
- 64 bit general purpose bus interface with FPGA.
- 77 bit bus sharing between FPGAs.
- High performance backplane, good frequency response upto 80MHz designs (one of the fastest protoboards available in India).
- On board JTAG circuit for downloading.
- Multiple configuration options with JTAG chaining of devices.
- User selectable configuration modes, using either FLASH PROM / JTAG.
- 32 Digital I/Ps and O/Ps, each can be configured as input or output giving flexibility to designers.
- On board system reset circuit.
- Configuration reset circuit.
- Four seven segment Multiplexed display.
- 4x4 switch matrix keyboard interface.
- On board crystal oscillator socket (user can select his desired oscillators).
- General-purpose user area for interface of user clock circuit.
- RS232 serial port (Serial Modem Compatible).
- Ability to use Clock management circuits of FPGAs.
- Proper configuration of FPGAS with high-speed clocks through special scheme.
- Support for different I/O Standards.
- A complete I/O bank for user VREF interface, using DB25 connector.
- Parallel port interface.
- Easily accessible user I/Os.
- 3 on board 120-pin connector for Add-on card interface.
- Stacking of maximum three Add-on card modules of different technologies.
- 89c51 Microcontroller card for traditional 8051 applications with ISP support.
- PIC Microcontroller card for industrial based applications.
- Memory Card for data intensive applications.
- High performance ADC/DAC add-on card.
- Power module for motion control and electro-mechanical applications.
- Intensive user manual support with various examples and source codes.
- And many more……...
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