Cylinder Blocks from Jayahind
In line with Company's strategy to move up the value chain, Jaya Hind focused its efforts on manufacturing critical Engine and Transmission Parts like Cylinder Blocks, Cylinder Heads and Bed Plates.
Jaya Hind has made an aggressive foray into the manufacturing of Aluminium Cylinder Blocks by setting up a most modern manufacturing cell consisting of an HPDC press of 3200tonnes from Buhler, Switzerland with Robotic Placement of Liners, Robotic Extraction, Wollin Sprayers, Striko Furnaces & Integrated trimmings press.
The Hi-Tech cell includes combination gripper for liners, uniquely designed spray head for Blocks and has a capacity to manufacture 1, 00,000 cylinder blocks/annum. Keeping in mind the emerging trend of use of HPDC Blocks in passenger cars & utility vehicles, Jaya Hind has already built infrastructure to install 10 such cells.
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Akurdi, Akurdi Pune - 411035, Maharashtra, India
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Akurdi, Akurdi Pune - 411035, Maharashtra, India
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Akurdi, Akurdi Pune - 411035, Maharashtra, India
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