Cast Alnico Magnet
Material | ALNICO |
Shape | ANY |
Magnet Grade | N35, N40, N52, N38, N42 |
Color | ANY |
Surface | SMOOTH |
Material | ALNICO |
Shape | ANY |
Magnet Grade | N35, N40, N52, N38, N42 |
Color | ANY |
Surface | SMOOTH |
Alnico Magnets - Overview
Alnico magnetshave the best temperature coefficients of any magnet material.Alnico magnetsare a best choice in extremely high temperature applications.
Alnico magnets are Cast or Sintered.
Weaker Isotropic alnico takes complex magnetic fields. Stronger anisotropic alnico has a fixed DoM axis.
Cast Alnico 5 is the most common grade of Alnico, with the LNG44 variant of Alnico 5 (Alcomax 3) being the most popular.
Advantages of Alnico Magnets
- Cast Alnico offers a near net shape. Cast alnico can be produced to complex shapes with complex magnetic patterns.- Alnico Br as high as NdFeB at room temperature.- Can be used up to 450-550 degrees C (842-932F).- Least variation in magnetic output with temperature change of any magnetic material.- Can be cast in very large sizes.
Typical Applications for Alnico Magnets
- Very high temperature applications- Use in hot oils- Clamping- Motors and Generators- Mass spectrometers- Precision sensors and meters- Aerospace
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# 18, Survey No 8371/824, Kamaksipalya Bengaluru - 560079, Karnataka, India
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# 18, Survey No 8371/824, Kamaksipalya Bengaluru - 560079, Karnataka, India
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# 18, Survey No 8371/824, Kamaksipalya Bengaluru - 560079, Karnataka, India
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