Analoge Type 0-50 RAPID MOISTURE MTER-IS:121275(IS-2720), Model Name/Number: VKSI-005, Number Of Ste
This standard covers the moisture meter used for rapid determination of water content from the gas pressure developed by the reaction of calcium carbide with the free water of the soil.
Dimensions of the equipment with different component parts of the equipment shall be as detailed in Fig. 1 to 5. Except where tolerances are specifically mentioned against the dimrnsions, Pressure Gauge - A pressure gauge shall be fitted as shown in Fig. 1 to the pressure vessel. The dial of the pressure gauge shall be calibrated in percentage of water content either in the range of O-25 percent or O-50 percent for two different ranges of the moisture meters on the basis of dry soil. The minimum divisions on the dial shall be 1 percent. 4.3 Steel Balls --- Three steel balls of about 12.5 mm diameter and one steel ball of 25 mm diameter shall be provided with the moisture meter.