We are the leading manufacturers and exporter of Cotton Seed Processing Plants and our product is made of good quality.
In our advanced range of Cottonseed Processing Plants, there are different stages of processing:
- Dehulling
- Delinting
- Meats recovery
- Hullbeating
- Cooking and conditioning
There are integrated expellers within the plant that are used for recovery of oil from the cooked meats.
The left out residual oil cake in the expeller is further completely recovered through the solvent extraction process. Finally, the oil is refined in order to get edible cottonseed oil.
By- product like lint, obtained in the process is again subjected to ginning through which it gets converted into bales that are sold off in the market for varied other applications.
In order to protect the plant from corrosion and other damages, all the machines integrated into it are properly lined with FRP.
The process carried out for obtaining clean cottonseed from de- linting is eco-friendly and does not cause any harm to human beings.
- Sturdy construction
- High shell removal rate
- Simple operation
- Minimum power consumption
- All the processes are seamlessly integrated for smooth operations
- High dehull rate
- Continuous operation for improved productivity and consistent product quality High production capacity