7900 HD Petrol Driven Airless Sprayers, For Wall Putty And Paint Sprayer, Automation Grade: Semi-Aut
We are the leading supplier of the 7900 HD Petrol Driven Airless Sprayers. These Petrol Driven Airless Sprayers have everything the Standard GMAX II sprayers have PLUS added features that are not just gimmicks or useless frills, but rather real features that provide real value to real contractors. Features that will make your job easier - saving you time and money.
- Endurance Pump
- Pro Connect Pump Removal System
- Advantage Drive System
- Easy Out Pump Filter
Smart Control 2.0 Digital Display
- Smart Control display with pressure read-out, gallon counting and diagnostics
On-Board Toolbox:
- Convenient storage container for tools, tips, filters and accessories.
Watch Dog Pump Protection System:
- Shuts down pump when paint runs out
- Prevents dry pumping damage